At Nedap, we empower business globally to create highly efficient UV systems at the lowest total costs of ownership. Our low and medium pressure UV lamp driver solutions are the culmination of over 30 years’ experience in lamp driver technology. We partner with UV professionals worldwide from across industries and sectors to develop innovative solutions […]

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Founded in 1904, Nijhuis Saur Industries provides solid and adaptive solutions for sustainable and resilient water use, energy- and resource recovery. Since the inception of Saur’s Industrial Water platform in 2019 more than 12 companies have been successfully acquired and integrated into one global operating company supporting municipal and industrial clients in over 140 countries […]

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NIQO Systems enables you to monitor and control your remote systems and processes. With a range of sensors to choose from, and a controller with data logging functionality, your system or process can be brought online. Access system status or measurement data from anywhere using our custom web platform IQdata, whilst you’re in the office […]

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Normec Kalsbeek is the leading research and consultancy firm in the field of water safety with a wide range of sophisticated solutions and in-house developed products. Normec Kalsbeek also has the right solution in the field of water quality for your business process, cooling and/or heating installation. Normec Kalsbeek has all the expertise for safe […]

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We are the only global innovator offering UV-based solutions for water, surface and air disinfectionon a worldwide scale. Hanovia, Berson, Aquionics and Orca form Nuvonic, delivering chemical free disinfection solutionsacross a wide range of applications. Our innovative UV technology helps to protect the world’s criticalresources. Our products are Application Optimized and our position as manufacturer […]

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NX Filtration is a provider of direct nanofiltration membrane technology for producing pure and affordable water to improve quality of life. Its direct nanofiltration technology removes micropollutants (including pharmaceuticals, medicines, PFAS and insecticides), colour and selective salts, but also bacteria, viruses and nanoplastics, from water in one step whilst offering strong sustainability benefits. For further […]

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Oosterhof Holman Environmental Engineering turns innovative ideas into contributions to a cleaner environment. Since 1989 Oosterhof Holman Environmental Engineering is improving soil and water quality together with our colleagues and partners. We implement our knowledge and experience nowadays in for example sewage systems, soil and groundwater remediation and digestion installations which makes us very versatile. […]

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We use natural microbes and processes to produce an alternative for plastics (biodegradable PHBV) from organic carbon present in waste streams.

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