Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process technology. We deliver process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature, recorders and digital communication, optimization of processes in terms of economic efficiency, safety and environmental impact. Our customers come from diverse industries, including chemicals, food & beverage, life sciences, power […]

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Evilim Industriewater is an independent company which offers solutions to produce and supplyprocess water (for example: demi- and ultrapure water) and wastewater treatment where reuseoptions are explored. Evilim supplies complete installations, but we also investigate where improvements in existing installations are possible. Sustainability and innovation play an important role in our tailor-made Solutions. Delivery is […]

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Ferr-Tech is the global leader of Ferrate(VI) applications for industrial (waste)water treatment. At Ferr-Tech we produce: FerSol, Ferrate(VI) in solution. Ferrate(VI) is the strongest green oxidizing chemical known. By a patented process, Ferr-Tech makes the use of Ferrate(VI) products available for the (waste) water industry. From our headquarters in Meppel we run the waterlab and […]

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Flottweg offers solutions for separation technology in the most diverse processes through its knowledge, flexibility, wide product range and test programs. The Flottweg decanter line offers a comprehensive line of centrifuges which separate solids from liquids. The filtration line of BHS completes the total package of machines to separate liquids and solids by filtration.

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Gastreatment Services (GtS) is an engineering firm with more than 50 years of in-house experience in the field of the natural gas and biogas processing and utilization This enables us to design, build and put into operation both standard and complex, custom-made installations. GtS has developed unique purification systems for the treatment of landfill gas, […]

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H2O Biofouling Solutions offers complete solutions to Biofouling problems. The solutions offered are tailored to the customer situation, site specific conditions and have proven to result in the most effective and efficient control of biofouling at the lowest OPEX costs. H2O BFS guarantees an effective treatment using unique biomonitoring systems that provide an operatorwith continuous […]

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At Hamilton, we recognize the importance of process control for water at every stage. Whether it involves ultrapure water treatment, boiling water in the industry, or wastewater treatment, our expertise lies in providing in-line sensors and accessories that measure real-time process parameters such as pH, redox, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity. This eliminates the need […]

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HDM Pipelines consultancy is driven by the conviction that a well-managed underground infrastructure is essential for a safe and prosperous future. We believe that risk-based asset management is the key to safeguarding this infrastructure. Through our in-depth knowledge and innovative approach, we not only help pipeline operators manage their networks, but completely relieve them of […]

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