This online workshop will bring together key stakeholders identified by seven regions e.g. SMEs, start-ups, research institutes, business associations, and NGOs among others to facilitate collaborations to drive innovation across borders.
The Water Smart Connect project, funded by Horizon Europe, in collaboration with the International Cleantech Network, is hosting an online workshop in order to explore some of the key challenges and gaps European regions are confronted with when it comes to the Water Smart Society thematic. In this session the seven selected regions, Pohjois-Savo (Finland), Sjælland (Denmark), Friesland (Netherlands), Centre- Val de Loire (France), Occitanie (France), Aragon (Spain), and Catalonia (Spain), will present their projects.
- Water reuse & recycling
- Water quality management
- Circular economy & resource recovery
- Climate change adaptation
- Digitization
- Intro to Water Smart Connect & the International Cleantech Network
- Presentation of Regional Strengths, Challenges and Opportunities
- Presentation of Identified Transformative Activities and discussion on opportunities, actions, funding, and partnerships
- Summery and Next Steps
Register here: