Apply for the possibility to be selected for exclusive virtual 1:1 meetings with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)!
EU Techbridge provides European SMEs with opportunities to meet 1:1 with partners in the US and Canada to explore the potential for business collaboration.
We are pleased to announce that applications for 1:1 meetings with MMSD are now open!
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is a regional government agency that provides water reclamation and flood management services for about 1.1 million people in 28 communities in the Greater Milwaukee Area.
They are seeking technologies in the areas of:
• New approaches to perform point repair or rehab of sanitary sewers (36” – 144”) where it is difficult to dewater
• Environmentally friendly approaches to mitigate H2S generation in sanitary sewers
• Inflow and Infiltration source evaluation and cost-effective approaches to remediation
Treatment facilities
• PFAS mitigation in liquid/biosolids
• Technologies and strategies for GHG emission reduction and carbon neutrality
• High-rate treatment for overflow reduction
• Waste elimination/beneficial reuse opportunities for Grit and Scum. Other recovery reuse opportunities (N2O, biopolymer, etc.)
• Analyzers: residual chlorine, ammonia, siloxane (gas), real-time % Total Solids analyzer for sludge
Stormwater management
• Low-cost controls for green infrastructure capture and treatment maximization
• Remote inspection tools
• New best management practices
Apply here
Applications will close on January 21st, 2022.