Econvert designs and implements anaerobic waste water treatment and biogas desulphurisation technologies. We develop reactors for recovering & utilizing valuable resources, like biogas, from industrial wastewater. With our technology, customers can reduce their ecological footprint and remain competitive at the same time. Each and every day we work to perfect the art of reuse. Founded […]

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EMI Twente B.V. performs confidential contract research directly with industry in the field of membrane science and technology. We are active in almost any major relevant membrane field and have a diverse set of expertise; including development of polymeric, inorganic and hybrid membranes, transport phenomena, and membrane process design. Most EMI projects are practical in […]

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Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process technology. We deliver process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature, recorders and digital communication, optimization of processes in terms of economic efficiency, safety and environmental impact. Our customers come from diverse industries, including chemicals, food & beverage, life sciences, power […]

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With more than 30 years of in-house experience ESEP offers sophisticated solutions for the purification of wastewater and the control of water flows. We have been leaders in the field of separator technology (oil, grease and sludge) for decades in the Dutch market. In addition, we developed a range of technologies for managing water flows […]

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Feralco Nederland is a manufacturer of high performance water treatment and process chemicals.Our product range includes both traditional inorganic coagulants and innovative products to ensure optimum treatment efficiency in many areas of application. These include the treatment of drinking water, process water, sewage and industrial effluents and the processing of paper.

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Ferr-Tech is the global leader of Ferrate(VI) applications for industrial (waste)water treatment. At Ferr-Tech we produce: FerSol, Ferrate(VI) in solution. Ferrate(VI) is the strongest green oxidizing chemical known. By a patented process, Ferr-Tech makes the use of Ferrate(VI) products available for the (waste) water industry. From our headquarters in Meppel we run the waterlab and […]

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Flottweg offers solutions for separation technology in the most diverse processes through its knowledge, flexibility, wide product range and test programs. The Flottweg decanter line offers a comprehensive line of centrifuges which separate solids from liquids. The filtration line of BHS completes the total package of machines to separate liquids and solids by filtration.

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H2O Biofouling Solutions offers complete solutions to Biofouling problems. The solutions offered are tailored to the customer situation, site specific conditions and have proven to result in the most effective and efficient control of biofouling at the lowest OPEX costs. H2O BFS guarantees an effective treatment using unique biomonitoring systems that provide an operatorwith continuous […]

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