Royal HaskoningDHV publishes its first Open-Source package 

Royal HaskoningDHV launches its first open-source package on August 1st 2022.

The package is called SAM for Smart Asset Management and it has been used as an internal Python package for years. 

Time series data and anomaly detection

SAM is a Python toolbox to work with time series data and it is used by data scientists, data engineers and data analysts. It contains numerous functions and classes for data loading, preprocessing, validation, visualization and feature building as well as creating machine learning models for forecasting and anomaly detection. SAM makes creating machine learning models easier by simplifying the creation of rolling features and time features. It also allows the users to easily create models that predict multiple steps ahead or predict quantile values, which can be used for anomaly detection.

Data Science meetup

If you’d like to know more about the details of this package, they will present it in more detail during the next Royal HaskoningDHV Data Science meetup, which is planned for October 21st at their office in Amersfoort.

Water Alliance member Royal HaskoningDHV has decided to make this package open-source and available to all, because it allows them to work together more effectively and they want to share their experience with time series analysis with the rest of the open-source community. At the same time, they are also working on their Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) platform, that will make it easy to deploy multiple models created with SAM.

The documentation for SAM can be found here. For feature requests, bug reports or the source code, check out:

Ruben Peters: “We welcome contributions to this package, please check the contribution instructions on GitHub. We hope that together with the open-source data science community we can make this package even better and enable everyone to “Enhance society together”!”

Source: press release Royal HaskoningDHV