CIV WATER The Centre for Innovative Water Craftsmanship focusses on educating employees and students to a vocational level in the field of water. Working with educational institutions as well as governmental agencies such as Wetterskip Fryslân (the Frisian Water Board) and Vitens (a water organization based in the north of the Netherlands), we aim to contribute to the development of outstanding water professionals, not only in the region of Fryslân, but also nationally and internationally.

We do so by organizing courses for professionals with our water partners. The knowledge of these professionals forms the basis of our courses; professionals share knowledge by educating each other. These new insights are used in our vocational courses. CIV Water is located at the WaterCampus in Leeuwarden.

CIV Water participates in the European project Platform of Vocational Excellence: PoVE Water.