Our mission is to provide sustainable technologies worldwide for food production.That’s why we design, build, and operate tailor-made horticultural solutions for our clients, with a potential footprint in natural components such as CO₂ and pesticides. We continuously invest in R&D to strengthen our value propositions for customers. This vision enables us to successfully operate our […]

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We are Van Remmen UV Technology, the supplier of high-quality and high-efficient UV technology in water use, reuse and return. In addition to our powerful disinfection, we offer advanced oxidation. We test and validate our equipment with microorganisms to make sure our systems do what they are supposed to do. In this way we keep […]

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VANPOELS WATER DISINFECTION AND WATER TREATMENT Vanpoels supplies water disinfection systems with people and the environment in mind. We secure desinfected water free of bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms in a simple and cost-effective way through UV-C light disinfection. The UV Modules of Aquafides® are designed and certified at highest DIN-standards. Our systems guarantee eradication of […]

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VDH water technology is a well-known company specialized in chlorine electrolysis. VDH water technology was established in 1978. We developed into a modern well-facilitated R&D, design, production, sales and service company focused on chlorine electrolysis. With our broad experience we have managed serving our customers by bringing a number of application specific solutions to the […]

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VEOLIA Water Technologies & Solutions provides industry- leading water technology and process expertise to solve your toughest water, wastewater and process challenges. We deliver innovative products, processes, and solutions across the globe to meet the needs of your industry, your region, and your business so you can achieve your performance and compliance goals with sustainable […]

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Verhoeve is a technical company focussed on design and construct of watertreatment units and founded in 1987. With about 80 employees in the Netherlands and Belgium our water passion is challenged every day in the field of sampling, testing, pilots and construction/installation and service of treatment units. Our specialities: (re-) use of groundwater, industrial water, […]

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VGE is a global leader in UV water disinfection with over 40 years of expertise, serving both domestic and industrial sectors, including pools, ponds, and industrial markets. Safe, sustainable water is vital to the future, and our mission is to innovate eco-friendly water treatment systems continuously. Our trusted brands, Blue Lagoon, VGE Pro, and XClear, […]

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De wereld om ons heen verandert voortdurend. Als Vitens willen we hierop inspelen en ook in de toekomst betrouwbaar en kwalitatief hoogwaardig drinkwater leveren. Daarom zetten we in op innovatie en onderzoek. We hebben een innovatie- & onderzoeksagenda opgezet met verschillende thema’s. We geloven in de kracht van samenwerken. Daarom werken we samen met kennis- […]

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