Fealter is a manufacturer and supplier of Point Of Use water filters. We manufacture and supply a wide range of water filters, based on membrane technology, that prevent contamination due to waterborne infections. Our products are mainly used in the medical, hospitality and residential markets. We are constantly innovating our products in order to continue […]

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Feralco Nederland is a manufacturer of high performance water treatment and process chemicals.Our product range includes both traditional inorganic coagulants and innovative products to ensure optimum treatment efficiency in many areas of application. These include the treatment of drinking water, process water, sewage and industrial effluents and the processing of paper.

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Ferr-Tech is the global leader of Ferrate(VI) applications for industrial (waste)water treatment. At Ferr-Tech we produce: FerSol, Ferrate(VI) in solution. Ferrate(VI) is the strongest green oxidizing chemical known. By a patented process, Ferr-Tech makes the use of Ferrate(VI) products available for the (waste) water industry. From our headquarters in Meppel we run the waterlab and […]

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FieldFactors is a water technology provider helping cities and water users turn rain into a new source of water supply. With our innovative BlueBloqs rainwater and reuse systems, up to 95% of all rainwater that falls on project sites is stored in the deep underground and used when it is needed. This way, you prevent […]

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Flottweg offers solutions for separation technology in the most diverse processes through its knowledge, flexibility, wide product range and test programs. The Flottweg decanter line offers a comprehensive line of centrifuges which separate solids from liquids. The filtration line of BHS completes the total package of machines to separate liquids and solids by filtration.

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Flow Aqua B.V. is a pioneering engineering company in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment with comprehensive capabilities in design, engineering, consulting, supplying, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance. Our solutions include aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment enabling biogas production as well as membrane technologies allowing water reuse, reducing the plant’s energy and water footprint. Our track […]

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Flowless helps water utilities and farmers improve daily operations and resource efficiency through remote monitoring and control automation. Flowless app, equipped with artificial intelligence, analyzes real-time data to automatically detect leaks as soon as they emerge and reduce operational costs by optimizing field operations. Farmers & utilities use Flowless app to automate daily processes, including […]

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