Water Alliance @ Aquatech Day 1

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The day has finally come – Aquatech 2019 has officially opened!  Water Alliance is happy to host and partner in different activities at this leading water trade show for process, drinking and...
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The headlines were full of it: the largest Dutch trade mission to India. Water Alliance’s Managing Director Hein Molenkamp was present with other Dutch entrepreneurs, various ministers, state...
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Market opportunities for raw materials

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The Interreg WOW! project is one of the initiators for the EU-wide transition where we re-use raw materials in sewage water to turn it into valuable biobased products. We can extract PHA from sewage...
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Water Test Network vouchers awarded

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Within the European Water Test Network (WTN) project, SMEs are supported in accelerating the market introduction of their water technologies. In addition to assistance with the validation and...
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Acquaint celebrates its 5 year anniversary

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On September 25, Acquaint celebrated her birthday.  Acquaint was created in 2014, as a WaterCampus scale-up. Water-related customers of HDM Pipelines, a consultancy company specialized in advice and...
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