Water Circles focuses on locally adapting wastewater for reuse on Bonaire by finding and implementing decentralized wastewater treatment solutions.
Demonstration projects
Within the project, several demonstration projects will be set up on Bonaire, where solutions for wastewater reuse in various contexts will be tested and demonstrated. The idea is that these pilots, upon success, can be further rolled out on Bonaire and other islands within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
How can I, as a Dutch water tech company, make use of this?
For the various demonstration projects, solutions/technologies are being sought. Water Alliance will organize activities where (Dutch) water technology companies and their innovative solutions are connected to the challenges within the different demonstration projects. Dutch water tech companies will have the chance to showcase their solution (and possibly sell it) within these demonstration projects.
Role of Water Alliance
Water Alliance will connect the specific challenges of the demonstration sites to the Dutch water technology sector. Water Alliance will proactively communicate the opportunities, particularly the specific technological needs within the demonstration projects, to the Dutch water technology sector.
Additional informatie
Project duration: 2021-2024
Other partners
- Public Entity Bonaire
- Stinapa
- Water and Energy Company Bonaire
- Fundashon Mariadal
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Who should I contact?

André Mepschen
+31 (0)6 387 505 02
Business Developer Nationaal