Small in size, big in ambitions. Under this tagline the Dutch joined WEX Global 2023 from 27th – 29th March. The Water, Energy & Climate exChange (WEX) is well known as an annual high level conference. This year’s edition of WEX focused on the theme Smart Circular Solutions to Build a Better World, all the while Seville provided a magnificent backdrop.
As a relatively small country, largely below sea level the Dutch have a lot of know-how regarding water challenges. Not only in managing the sea level but also in development of innovative solutions for water challenges around the world. During WEX Global 2023 14 delegate members represented the Netherlands
NL delegation:
• AVIC B.V. – Bert De Vries
• CirTec B.V. – Coos Wessels
• Desolenator – Supriya Mhatre
• Ferr-Tech – Judith le Fèvre – Ehsan Saebnoori
• FibreSecurity – Maja Rejger
• NX Filtration – Ignacio Diaz
• Oxycom – Jos van Eunen
• Pure Water Group – Amaia de Ugarte Iturbe
• Royal HaskoningDHV – Melchior Schenk
• Van Remmen UV Technology – Ton van Remmen
With many formal and informal meetings taking place new connections and possible new alliances were made. As business connections are at the heart of WEX Global. As Country Technology partner Water Alliance also hosted the Global Utilities Round Table Sessions. The spot were many interesting discussions took place by the top of several water companies.

That the Dutch are innovative was also apparent by the winning of several awards during the WEX Global Awards and Gala. The Aqualia Award for Innovations 2023 went to Ferr-Tech, for FerSol, Ferrate(VI) solution for washing and wastewater treatment in Polymer Recycle Plants. Royal HaskoningDHV & WBL won the award for Innovation in Digital Water Management.
Royal HaskoningDHV, in partnership with Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg (WBL), a Dutch water authority, won the award for their implementation of a digital twin based on Twinn Aquasuite software that monitors nearly a thousand pumping stations to provide clean water and prevent failures.
The WEX award recognizes best-in-class digital infrastructure projects and AI initiatives in the water industry, and demonstrates how the digital transformation in water management helps establish the models and living systems needed for a thriving planet and ecosystem. “We are happy to make a positive impact on society and help solve some of the most pressing challenges in water management,” said Melchior Schenk, Twinn Aquasuite Business Development Director at Royal HaskoningDHV.

Honorable mentions go to the following Dutch nominees; CirTec B.V. & Van Remmen UV Technology for Innovation in Water Circularity, Desolenator for innovation in decarbonising and AVIC in the Innovation in Digitalised Water Management category.

Judith le Fèvre of Ferr-Tech: ‘Grateful to be part of this energetic delegation from the Netherlands. The WEX Global is an excellent stage to present our innovation to the international watertech-community. A lot of networking opportunities.’
Coos Wessels of CirTec: ‘Not only inspiring, but also extremely valuable. WEX Global is a fantastic event to connect. Thanks for the excellent organisation and guidance Juliette Douglas-Overzee, Steven van Rossum and Water Alliance team! Great work, much appreciated.’

Amaia de Ugarte Iturbe of Pure Water Group: ‘Once again, a very enriching experience at WEX Global and a fantastic place to network. Thanks to Water Alliance and WTEX10 for organizing and to the fabulous Dutch delegation. Looking forward to the next edition!’
Bert de Vries of Avic: ‘As Avic, we have a presence in several markets, but we find the companies in the water world industry particularly fascinating. Our recent experience at WEX served as a reminder of the positive and synergistic atmosphere that prevails, where people are always willing to lend a helping hand to each other and collaborate closely. It is an enriching environment that enables one to gain new insights, explore fresh concepts, and network with inspiring individuals. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to returning soon.’

Ignacio Diez of NX Filtration: ‘Happy and honored to been part of the Dutch delegation, organized by Water Alliance. I learned a lot, met very interesting people, and got to share our experience with other water experts. The WEX Global 2023 conference is a great place for networking and collaboration. I really hope I can repeat next year.’
Supriya Mhatre of Desolenator: ‘Honoured to be a part of the Dutch delegation! The WEX Global 2023 has been a valuable and enriching experience, sharing our ideas with and learning from industry experts. Thank you Juliette Douglas-Overzee, Steven van Rossum and the Water Alliance team for the wonderful organisation. We look forward to the next one.’

Dennis van Gool of Royal HaskoningDHV: ‘Second time for us joining the WEX, definitely an inspiring and valuable event for new insights and motivation to keep on pushing (Dutch) technology even further.’
The Dutch trade mission to WEX Global 2023 was part of the WTEX10 programme, which is powered by the Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, TKI Watertechnologie, Topsector Water & Maritiem and Water Alliance. The WTEX10 programme organizes high-quality trade missions for the Dutch Water Sector.
About WEX Global
WEX Global occupies a unique place in the water conference calendar. Business meetings and conversations lie at the heart of WEX, along with the principle of ‘exchange’; the exchange of ideas and philosophies, of business cards, of solutions, and of methodologies, to form strong networks on which to build stronger relationships. We will also play host to more than 80 speakers, from 40+ countries, who debated critical issues relating to Water, Energy & Climate Change: Smart Circular Solutions to Build a Better World.