Salttech recently started up her first DyVaR application in the dairy industry at a production plant in Leezen. Lactoprot GmbH is one of the international leading and innovative producers of caseienes. Their products are used in milk and whey specialities, delicatessen foods, ice cream, baked goods and confectionery, beverages, baby food and sports products. Driven by stricter discharge limits for salts and related cost the client was looking for a sustainable solution. Salttech together with Lactoprot developed through initial pilot testing the first full scale application for Salttech’s DyVaR technology in dairy industry.
Salttech’s DyVaR technology has been shown to be particularly effective in the treatment of concentrated brines that are found as reject streams in the dairy industry. Usually these brines are the concentrate streams originating from membrane filtration systems used in the production process. Typically, the dairy brine streams contain variety of milk salts and some sources of COD – Salttech’s DyVaR technology will effectively separate the concentrated brine solution into its constituent elements of clean water, milk salt solids and organics.
Salttech’s patented DyVaR technology does not follow the principles of conventional technologies that avoid the formation of solids. The purpose of DyVaR technology is to stimulate the formation of salt crystals that are continuously harvested from the process. This has resulted in truly new treatment concept for effective treatment of high salinity liquids being one of the world’s first truly one step ZLD processes.
The containerized DyVaR-60 unit of Lactoprot GmbH is concentrating and crystalizing continuously the 3m3/h Reverse Osmose reject stream with about 50.000mg/l TDS. The produced fresh water stream can be potentially (re)used for rinsing or other applications or be considered high quality discharge after removal of the volatile COD , the produced milk salts will be a new source of income and will be used as raw material in other industries.
More information of sales related inquiries please contact:
Sebastiaan Spanjer