This mission will take place in November 2023, during the Aquatech and visits to the exhibition are integrated into the programme.
The mission is supported by the Government of the Netherlands and is exclusive for the water industry: public and private utilities, drinking- and waste water services, as well as representatives from various industrial end users .
The primary objectives of the mission are to learn about new innovative solutions, make new business contacts, exchange knowledge, discuss future challenges and explore potential solutions in an exclusive setting. It will consider current and future issues and innovative solutions for the water sector. Together with senior and executive level colleagues from the international water sector, you will participate in exclusive field visits to inspiring production sites where we will exchange ideas and experiences and reflect on developments and technologies.
You will visit the Aquatech, you can participate in high level discussions with leaders from the water sector and there will be dedicated round table discussions on various topics.
The Aquatech Amsterdam is the world’s most complete platform for professionals in the world of water technology. Thousands of water professionals from all over the world will be coming to the Aquatech; more than 800 exhibitors to visit and you will have the unique opportunity to become acquainted with the latest innovative technologies.
The programme revolves around various key topics, such as: cost reduction in operations , circular water practices, water reuse and use reduction, carbon footprint mitigation, data-driven process optimisation, treatment technologies, resource recovery and the European water framework.
As part of the WTEX10 programme, costs for participating in this programme are covered, including lunch, dinner and transport during the programme. However, travel and accommodation expenses are excluded.
Three fully catered days where you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the latest developments in Dutch and international water technology with a select group of high level participants.
Meet senior and executive level colleagues from the international water sector
Discover the latest innovative technologies at Aquatech and during exclusive field visits to inspiring production sites, where we will exchange ideas and experiences and reflect on developments and technologies.
Inspiring site visits and knowledge sessions in small and informal settings and network meetings with experts from innovative water technology companies
Monday 6 November
The programme starts on Monday, November 6.
18.30 reception, followed by an informal dinner in the hotel, close to the Aquatech, Amsterdam (RAI)
Optional during Monday : Integrated Leaders Forum (ILF) at AIWW. The ILF provides a platform for global water leaders from cities, industries, utilities and finance partners. Participants will be personally invited. The focus is on setting out an agenda of future actions and will culminate in the announcement of the Amsterdam Agreements. The programme consists of high level keynote speeches, panel discussions and round-table discussions. More information or interested in joining this programme? Contact Juliette Douglas.
Tuesday 7 November
- (8.30) Departure
- (9.30) Visit to Water Utility OASEN in Krimpen aan de Lek, Zuiveringsstation Schuwacht, Lekkerkerk. Schuwacht produces 3 million m3 of drinking water per year through infiltrated surface water. The visit will involve presentations, discussions, Q&A and a tour. A glance at a totally different & innovative way of filtration! Membrane filtration is not a new technique. However, it has never been applied on a large scale to oxygen-free groundwater to make drinking water. Oasen took the first steps in the development of this technology in 2005. Meet Professor Walter van der Meer, professor of Innovative Water Purification Processes at TU Delft. Professor Van der Meer presented One Step Reverse Osmosis as a complete purification concept. This means: do not use membrane filtration as one of the purification steps, but as a technology on which the entire purification process is based.
- (12.00) Return to Amsterdam for an exchange lunch with Dutch companies and organisations. During lunch there will be round table discussions* addressing the challenges faced by participants.
- (15.30) Visit exhibition floor at Aquatech (participants’ choice )
- End of the day network reception at the NL Lounge at the Aquatech.
- (18.30) Evening networking dinner for delegates and a few selected Dutch Water Technology companies.
Wednesday 8 November
- (08.30) Field visit* ( Climate resilient cities, Green sport clubs, Water neutral real estate) Presentations, discussions, Q&A and tour
- (12.30) Networking lunch at the NL Lounge , Aquatech
- (14.00) Round table session*
best practices - (16.00) Visit exhibition floor, join Aquatech programme
- (17.30) Networking drinks at the NL Lounge Aquatech
- (18.30) Closing Diner
Thursday 9 November (optional)
- (08.30) Field visit to Pampus Island: As the first Dutch UNESCO World Heritage Site, Pampus will be sustainably self-sufficient and carbon-neutral, without any connection to the shore. With a sustainable energy system and a new circular entrance building, Pampus is breathing new life into its history as a self-sufficient island – taking its responsibility in the energy transition.
- (12.30) Networking lunch
- no afternoon and evening programme: free to visit Aquatech and Aquatech programme or explore Amsterdam city.
Friday 10 November (optional)
- (10.00) site visit to the WaterCampus Leeuwarden. The WaterCampus Leeuwarden is the physical core of the Dutch water technology sector and has a sector uniting role for the rest of Europe as well. The WaterCampus offers a unique research infrastructure, and is a meeting point for scientists and companies from all over Europe. You will enjoy lunch, visit the various facilities, such as the Water Application Centre and Wetsus research facilities. After lunch we will visit the enclosure dike (Afsluitdijk), where a pilot project operates with Blue energy technology: salt water from the sea (Waddenzee) and fresh water from the lake (IJsselmeer) is used to produce sustainable energy.
- Or (10.00) Visit exhibition floor, join Aquatech programme
We are no longer accepting applications for this mission. Please contact Juliette Douglas regarding any questions you might have.
The outline of the above programme is expected to stand, but is subject to change during finalisation.
*Round table sessions to discuss;
- Micro pollutions challenges and opportunities
- How to integrate innovations in the existing market, legislation and other challenges
- Green energy best practices
- Decentralised wastewater treatment
- Water re-use or reduction
- Leakage, leak detection and innovative solutions
- Water management in the food & beverage sector
- EU funding: how to identify; how to access
- Carbon footprint reduction – decarbonizing water and wastewater treatment and transport
- NRW – Reducing water loss
- (Waste)water re-use and alternative waterresources
- AI and digital transformation, digital twins in water management

This is a joint activity of:

Organiser of this event
- Juliette Douglas
- +31 (0)683706450
- Liaison Business Development