Acquaint and Kjeldaas Unite to Bring Innovative Pipeline Inspection Technology to Norway

Acquaint BV and Kjeldaas AS proudly announce their partnership aimed at introducing advanced pipeline inspection technologies in Norway. For Kjeldaas, an established name in Norway in the field of trenchless technology, and for the Norwegian market, the proven pipeline inspection technology of Acquaint is entirely new. By combining the expertise of both companies, innovative and sustainable solutions can be offered to the water and sewerage sector in Norway. The collaboration is immediately sealed with a project that will be executed this week.

Norwegian Market

The application of trenchless technology is particularly interesting in Norway due to the unique challenges the country faces. Hendrik Panman, leader of the trenchless technology department at Kjeldaas and originally from the Netherlands, explains: “The pipelines are laid deep underground to provide protection against frost, and the landscape consists largely of rocks, making it expensive to replace pipelines with open trenches or digs. This makes it very interesting to be able to renew pipelines with ‘No-Dig’ methods.”

Most of the drinking water comes from mountain lakes. The average leakage rate is between 35 and 40% in Norway. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on reducing this percentage, especially as electricity prices rise and environmental aspects play a more important role. “Currently, the renewal rate of pipelines is 0.6%, while this should be at least 1%. Replacement lags due to a lack of capacity and financial resources. To maintain the infrastructure sustainably, it is essential to have a good overview of the quality of the pipelines so that money is spent in the right places. Acquaint can help the municipalities in Norway tremendously with prioritizing through their pipeline inspection technology,” says Panman.

Valuable Collaboration

The collaboration with Acquaint allows Kjeldaas to further diversify its offerings by not only renewing pipelines through relining but also introducing innovative inspection technologies. For Acquaint, it opens the door to provide its services to Norwegian municipalities and consulting firms. Erik Driessen, CEO of Acquaint, says: “As an established company in Norway, Kjeldaas already has long-standing relationships with various municipalities. They are extremely close to the customer and know the market like no other. Besides being a very professional party, they also have a personal approach. They are very friendly, open, and incredibly hospitable. The atmosphere within their flat organization is a perfect match with our corporate culture.”

First Project in Holmestrand

The first joint project will be executed this week in the municipality of Holmestrand, where a nodular cast iron drinking water pipeline will be inspected with the Aquarius*. This project will also serve as a demonstration for other municipalities. Brabant Water, a client of Acquaint which supplies drinking and industrial water to 2.6 million residents and businesses, will present how they use Acquaint’s technology.


Both companies have high expectations of the collaboration. The preparation for the project in Holmestrand has gone smoothly: “We speak the same technical language and thus understand each other perfectly. I am confident that this will continue to be the case in the future,” says Driessen.

Kjeldaas and Acquaint aim for a long-term partnership in which Kjeldaas can autonomously carry out inspections. Panman says: “I am ‘all-in’ and extremely motivated, but I also realize that this is just the beginning. I eagerly await the outcomes of our first project.” Erik adds: “With the shared goal of making the pipeline network in Norway future-proof and winning the Norwegian market, there is indeed work to be done. However, with a foundation of trust, I believe we can grow quickly and make an impact. Perhaps this is the first step towards conquering all the Nordic countries.”

Source: press release Acquaint