The Water Symposium organized by Arcadis and A Blue World Company was held at the Dutch Consulate in Istanbul on the 26th of May 2016.The Symposium supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic affairs (RvO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a innovative and sustainable character combined with provided space for discussion. Judging from the participants feedback symposium can be considered as a very successful event for both the organizers and delegates as well as for the Turkish attendances.
In 2014 Arcadis and A Blue World Company started a innovative demonstration project in Turkey with the product BM500 which eliminates odor problems from waste water. As a part of this international project Arcadis and A Blue World Company decided to establish a platform where involved parties such as the Turkish Ministry of Forrestry & Water, ASMARITMA (Leader of the Turkish treatment sector) and ISKI (Istanbul Water Supply Network) were offered the unique opportunity to share knowledge with reference to the demonstration project and water management in Turkey. This translated into the Water Symposium held at the 26th of May 2016 in the most populous city of Turkey, Istanbul.
During the symposium important external speakers such as Osman Özdemir (expert Forestry and Water Affairs) and Ülkü Özeren (Director of iGA, new Istanbul Airport Construction)) have presented several important aspects regarding developments, legislation and forecasts within the industry of Turkish water management. Furthermore Arcadis shared new information and visions which contributed to an enriched Water Symposium. Also Derjan Welleweerd, project manager at Arcadis, presented the final results of the BM500 demonstration project of Arcadis and A Blue World Company which created positive leads from important parties that were attending.
All-in-all the Water Symposium created opportunities for further collaborations, established a platform where knowledge could be shared and contributed to a more innovative and sustainable Turkish water world.