On February 2nd the first WINNing days took place, the event was a big success and a day full of wins for participants. The WINNing days prepares anyone who wants to take part in Horizon Europe funding opportunities. Horizon Europe is open to all and is particularly open to SMEs, who can play a big role. The program was divided in morning and afternoon sessions, followed by B2B meetings in the subsequent days.
In the morning session Hein Molenkamp managing director Water Alliance, Daniel Gassmann, Head of the H2020 Innovation support for SMEs and Caroline Guillet, expert consultant at GAC Group discussed the role of SMEs.
Later in the sessions the participants got tips how to prepare and build a WINNing project for Horizon Europe. Practical information and suggestions where given by experts. Daniel Pierre, Vice President of France Water Team, Catherine Freissinet, expert evaluator and Pieter de Jong, EU representative gave sound advice.
Following the plenary sessions, the afternoon working group sessions allowed the participants to identify opportunities. The cross sectoral projects related to water where divided in 5 working sessions :
• Session 1 – Contaminants of emerging concern and antimicrobial resistance moderated by Dominique Darmendrail (BRGM)
• Session 2 – Digital solutions for a 100% circular industry moderated by Johanna Castel (Cap Digital)
• Session 3 – Innovative water-related approaches for a climate resilient society moderated by MINO Eric (Office International de l’Eau)
• Session 4 – Toward a sustainable agriculture with efficient water management and environment preservation moderated by Jeroen Rijnhart (Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW)
• Session 5 – Bulding resilient territories through the water-energy-food nexus moderated by Pieter de Jong (Wetsus, European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology)
The B2B meetings following the event, open plenty of collaboration opportunities to answer water challenges in a cross sectoral approach. These meetings will be conducted until the 16th of February.