In Flevoland, governments, knowledge institutions, and companies have joined forces to initiate a water transition. In WaterLab Circular Water, suppliers are challenged to test innovations in collaboration with end-users in 4 practical scenarios. Through the principle of launching customership (where companies with a problem collaborate with innovative providers), end-users work on making the water supply circular. The results will be used to demonstrate that circular water is the future. The project has been made possible with funding from the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.
Customized Water
Clean water is often used as if it will never run out, and nutrients are washed away. The drought of recent years has clearly shown that our water supply is finite and that we need to manage water, energy, and nutrients more smartly and efficiently. Water is used by everyone for drinking but also for purposes like watering gardens. In many cases, the same quality of water is used for multiple purposes, and the value of water (including raw materials and energy) is still underutilized. This is where a lot of potential lies. It’s time to use water more sustainably and better harness its value. This will lead us to a situation where the right quality of water is used in the right situation: customized water.
Collaborations have already started at Camp&Surf Markermeer, Business Park Lelystad, Oosterwold, and Schaap Holland to innovate solutions for reusing water and maintaining water quality at the required level. These innovative solutions come from various water technology companies.
Flevoland Region as a Testing Ground
In Flevoland, various parties are focusing on making the entire water chain more sustainable. Testing systems in practice is essential. In WaterLab Circular Water, innovative solutions are being sought for 7 water challenges within the domains of “food processing industry,” “living, working, and learning,” “business parks,” and “recreation.”
In WaterLab Circular Water, the Province of Flevoland, Water Authority Zuiderzeeland (on behalf of the SAF Cooperation), Water Alliance, and STOWA work together with end-users who have registered a pilot.

More information
More information about this project and the pilots can be found at: WaterLab Circulair Water – Provincie Flevoland.