The world is a big place, about 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered. Everything is interconnected, as all life depends on water, water issues wherever in the world have an impact. Something might start small but could end up being full blown global issue. The WaterCampus ecosystem also has a keen eye for things that start small but could end up changing the world.

This might start with an idea and eventually leads to a start-up and business. At WaterCampus no water issue is too small, as the Dutch have years of experience fighting water, but definitely also innovatively co-creating with water. This is one of the main focuses within the pioneering WaterCampus climate, as the world requires a circular approach for a sustainable future. Wetsus, CEW and Water Alliance, together not only connect parties but really accelerate business and time to market in water technology. As a Campus, knowledge sharing is also one of the key features.
For what might have seen like an eternity, it was somewhat quiet at WaterCampus Leeuwarden, not due to lack of activity but due to covid-19. Luckily times have changed and face to face has made a strong comeback, delegations/visitors are once again more than welcome to experience the buzzing WaterCampus. So in May we once again welcomed several delegations.
On 4thof May a delegation from Atlantis Special Economic Zone Cape Town from South Africa

visited the campus. They have an industrial park with net zero (water) ambitions and want to be the region for foreign cleantech companies to locate in South Africa. They discovered the WaterCampus via a tour and then visited Hydraloop. In addition, around their visit they met with several other Water Alliance members who have ambitions in South Africa or the rest of Africa.
On May 10, a Swedish/Danish delegation from different Swedish and Danish water utilities came to the WaterCampus to exchange knowledge on demo sites. They experienced the Water Campus tour with as main part the visit to the WAC and to the wastewater treatment demo site of Wetterskip Fryslân.
On 18 May the Cork County Delegation from Ireland visited the WaterCampus. This delegation consisted of Tyndall National Institute and the Cork region (Cork County). The focus of this visit was to seek collaborative opportunities within European programs. They too got a taste of the WaterCampus and all its aspects via de tour.

So in short if you have a water-related problem or want to further develop your water technology company contact and/or visit us at the WaterCampus. We look forward to hearing from you or even better, welcoming you.