TKI Innovation Broker

Bringing your innovation to market – how do you do it?

The Innovation Broker: Helping you move forward!

Do you ever wonder what funding opportunities are available? Or where the market opportunities lie and which institutions and instruments can help take your innovation to the next level? Our Innovation Brokers are here to assist you. They answer your questions and provide practical information to help you get started.

In a free advisory session, they guide you through the Dutch knowledge and innovation ecosystem. The advice focuses on:

• Innovation of products, processes, or services;
• Providing technological assistance;
• Services for technology transfer.

Who is this program for?
The TKI Innovation Broker is designed for entrepreneurs, SMEs, and other innovation-driven individuals or organizations in water technology who want to bring their innovative ideas to market. The program specifically supports those seeking advice on funding, market opportunities, and collaboration possibilities.

How can I benefit from this?

Through a free advisory session, Innovation Brokers assist with product or process innovation, technological support, and technology transfer. They provide access to a broad network, knowledge institutions, and funding opportunities.

Who can I contact?

For questions or to schedule an appointment, you can reach us at:

  • E-mail:
  • Address: Agora 4, 8934 CJ Leeuwarden
  • Phone: +31 (0)58 284 90 44

MIT Innovation Brokers is a program of TKI Water Technology and is carried out by NWP and Water Alliance. More information: