The goal of the Growth Plan Water Technology – UPPWATER – is to strengthen the international position and growth of the Dutch water technology sector. The growth plan is a 10-year program with a total scope of over 340 million euros, of which 135 million euros is funded from the National Growth Fund.
UPPWATER consists of 4 subprograms:
- Enabling watertech (led by Wetsus), where consortia of water technology companies, public and private end-users, and knowledge institutions work on knowledge development and technology development;
- Pilot & testing (led by KWR and Stowa), where consortia conduct pilot and testing projects to scale up and validate innovative water technology;
- Full-scale demonstration (led by Waterschap Vechtstromen), where innovative water technology is first demonstrated in practical applications.
- To the market (led by Water Alliance), where entrepreneurship is stimulated and internationalization is facilitated.
Who is this relevant for?
UPPWATER is relevant for all water technology companies that are active within one of the following five focus areas:
- Water treatment 4.0: purification of effluent for reuse, removal of organic micropollutants and pharmaceutical residues.
- Alternative sources: purification of brackish (ground)water and surface water for drinking water and process water, reuse of effluent, and solving the concentrate problem.
- Circularity: recovery of nutrients and production of biobased raw materials.
- Digitalization: digital twins for process control and maintenance of wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, and drinking and process water production.
- Decentralized: off-the-grid total solutions for drinking and wastewater.
How can I, as a Dutch water tech company, make use of this?
Within UPPWATER, there are several opportunities for Dutch water technology companies. Firstly, there are three different funding instruments available: financing for pilot projects, full-scale demonstration projects, and knowledge vouchers for business development activities.
Additionally, an end-user platform is being established within UPPWATER. Through this platform, you as a technology company can test the innovation you are working on in the market at an early stage. For water technology companies with no or limited experience in export, an Export Readiness Program will be developed. Finally, water technology companies can receive support in realizing their international ambitions through joint efforts, including support for various (inter)national trade fairs and missions.
Be sure to follow the channels (newsletter, LinkedIn) of Water Alliance for current opportunities within UPPWATER.
Who can I contact?

Ronald Wielinga
+31 (0)6 121 38 876
Manager Entrepreneurship WaterCampus

Rixt Sinnema
+31 (0)6 128 84 530
Project Manager