2021! A new year in which hopefully we’ll see the world go back to normal. 2020 might be a year to forget for many. But as a species we humans are resilient. Such a crisis also sparks innovation, creative thinking and new ideas. WaterLink is a yearly dutch spoken event for such insights and inspiration.
What to expect?
A packed program which you can follow digitally. It starts of in WTC in Leeuwarden. After the opening Jantienne van der Meij (director TKI water), Ignaz Worm (director Envaqua) en Bianca Nijhof (director NWP) will converse with Hein Molenkamp (director Water Alliance). Insights on the effects and impact of COVID-19 on our sector will be discussed. They will also look towards the future of 2021, expected programs and initiatives.
In the second part of the sessions entrepreneurs will tell you their stories, from best practices to biggest failures. Harro Brons (business developer Water Alliance) together with Ronald Wielinga (manager entrepreneurship WaterCampus) will speak with Marissa de Boer (CEO SusPhos), Steven van Rossum (projectmanager Upscaling Dutch Water Technology Export) and the winner of the WIS-award, Simon Jagers (Semiotic Labs). What connects these companies? In 2020 they all won several prestigious awards. They will give you insights, inspiration and will take you on their journey to become successful. How did they manage this, all in the face of the huge challenges 2020 presented. How did they overcome these challenges, how did they take/make the next step?
Following these sessions we invite you to take part in one of these five inspirational and interactive sub sessions. All these sub sessions are dutch spoken except the following Southern Europe session (English)
WaterLink(ed) to Southern Europe
During this session the roadmap from 2021 until 2022 for these three southern European countries will be key. This roadmap is an overview of goals and activities in a specific timeline. Together witch Dutch posts, RVO, NBSO and local partners we will outline the roadmap. In these sessions you will meet three international speakers, discover the developments in Southern Europe, how and in which way cooperation is possible.
Opening and program outline
Following by three international speakers
Godelieve Cooymans is managing partner at Proaxxes. Ms Cooymans has been closely involved at establishing activities for the Dutch water technology sector in Italy. Together with Water Alliance see brought together three Italian challenges in a webinar. Proxass also participated in the virtual trade mission Sigrid Kaag. She also oversaw successful tailor made matchmaking for fourteen Dutch companies. As Business Development Country manager Italy she will give a presentation about acvhieved goals, results and cooperation.
From Italy we travel to Spain. In cooperation with the embassy and the consultant firm PWACS (PW Advisory & Capital Services)we are working on the roadmap to generate specific challenges. PWACS ‘s José de Castro de Antonio, technical Director has 25 years of experience in the fields of the integral cycle of water, environment and waste. He has a broad network in the Spanish water market, and will give you an introduction to this market .
From Spain we travel on to Portugal, Portugal is developing rapidly! Together with the Dutch embassy in Portugal we are currently mapping the water market. Water Alliance currently has contact with different local parties who are bringing us up to speed.
PPA Portuguese Water Partnership is a cluster of organizations who strive to develop synergies in the water sector on a global scale. The do this by building alliances and partnerships with national and international institutes which work in the field of sustainable water usage and water quality. José Saldanha Matos is President of the Portuguese Water Partnership, he will give a glimpse into the Portuguese water market.
When a presentation is concluded there is room for Q&A to ask specific questions to a speaker.
During WaterLink there will be ample opportunities for interaction. Visit our digital exhibition floor with the virtual Wall of Support, WaterJobs and EEN. Or be inspired by the Netflix documentary Brave blue world!
The full (preliminary) program:
13:00 – 13:15 Digital walk-in
13:15 – 14:00 Plenary session live from Studio Z
14:00 – 14:30 Short break
14:15 – 15:30 Sub sessions (WaterLink(ed) Southern Europe)
15:30 – 15:45 Closing speech by Water Alliance director Hein Molenkamp
Interested? you can attend this virtual dutch event here

Organiser of this event
- Agnes Dirksen
- +31 (0)623600393
- Manager Marketing & Communications
- a.dirksen@wateralliance.nl