The prestige of SMAGUA, one of the most important exhibitions in Europe, attracts professionals from all over the world who find a wide showcase with the latest equipment and technologies applied to the water cycle.
The event
The event, which will celebrate 45 years of existence in this next edition, has become the essential meeting point for the sector thanks to its clearly innovative position, the quality of its technical conferences and the numerous presentations of products, equipment and technological solutions.
Get in touch with the Dutch
Water Alliance facilitates a joint stand at a central location during the Smagua 2019. Accompanied by at least five other Dutch companies, Dutch Water Technology will present itself here. The consortium consists of:
Additional program
Would you like to expand your insights in the international market? Or are you specifically looking for a solution to a problem in the field of water technology and looking for (Dutch) expertise? Water Alliance would be pleased to put you in touch with our network. In order to support your business development, we have set up a program in collaboration with the Dutch Embassy in Madrid and the Netherlands Business Support Office during SMAGUA 2019.
VIDA International Brokerage Event on Tuesday 5 February, 09.30, Sala 1
This brokerage event concerns the VIDA project (Value-added Innovation in fooD chAins). Within this project, a European consortium will realize an innovative, large-scale demonstration projects in Europe. The project represents an opportunity for hundreds of SME companies to accelerate their innovations within the water, food, energy and key enabling technologies market. Everyone can join this presentation, but in order to apply for a VIDA voucher, applicants must be a member of a VIDA cluster and/or be headquartered in a VIDA territorial scope and active in the food production sector, the water technology supply chain, the energy technology supply chain or the KET supply chain.
Match with interesting parties within the Dutch market through the EEN matchmaking on Tuesday 5 February , 14.00, Hall 4
This matchmaking event is organized by the Enterprise Europe Network. During this session, you can enter into discussions with other companies in order to explore possible partnerships, both within and outside the scope of VIDA. In addition, several partners of the VIDA consortium will be available to discuss the possibilities within VIDA in 1-1 conversations. Click here for more information and registration for the EEN matchmaking. Registration is possible until 25 January.
Meet & Greet networking reception on Wednesday February 6, 16:30, Holland Pavilion
This reception is a joint initiative of the Dutch embassy in Madrid, NBSO, RVO and Water Alliance. Water Alliance, accompanied by five other Dutch water tech companies, will present Dutch Water Technology here in order to inform you about all the chances within the Dutch water sector.
Would you like more general information about Water Alliance’s role in this exhibition? Please contact Juliette Douglas (Marketing Manager Water Alliance) via the information below or on +31 (0) 683706450

Organiser of this event
- Juliette Douglas
- +31 (0)683706450
- Liaison Business Development