Expert group Resource Recovery

The Expert Group Resource Recovery is dedicated to promoting innovative solutions related to process and wastewater and water management. We focus on advising and providing solutions concerning water treatment and reuse. The recovery of residual materials is also a key part of this. The Expert Group Resource Recovery addresses both urban and industrial wastewater, as well as other aqueous streams such as digestate. We are here for anyone dealing with (waste)water, whether it’s for sharing knowledge or engaging with regulations.

“Wastewater is actually not the correct term because the water itself is not waste. It should be seen as a water resource.”


There are still various challenges in the Netherlands for reusing water, which depend on the location and intended application. Factors such as differences in discharge prices (surface/groundwater), legal requirements to use drinking water, non-standardized risk analyses, and so on. The expert group is actively working at the national and regional levels to address these challenges, so that drinking water, as a resource, can be used more efficiently.

Due to the low price of drinking water, there are currently few incentives to use it more efficiently. With an integrated water price or a higher water levy, this pressure could potentially be increased. However, focusing on creating value within the chain is a better approach.

What is Resource Recovery?

At Expertgroep Resource Recovery, we focus on the following themes: treatment, purification, reuse, and auxiliary processes such as dewatering, thickening, separation, sludge treatment, bioresources, and chemicals.

Objectives Expert Groep

We focus on industries, water boards, drinking water companies, and the national government. We achieve this through workshops, practical days, and by maintaining ongoing discussions with governments and industry organizations. Examples include the National Water Symposium and the Aqua Nederland trade fair.

Our main objectives are:

  • The promotion of innovative practical solutions for reusable water & water management (the water cycle in terms of development and implementation).
  • Providing end-users with the right information that can create local added value.
  • In addition, the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and insight remains important. As a collective, we aim to come up with better, practically substantiated solutions for the local end-user, and by consulting together, we can identify which problems need to be addressed or can be tackled.

Expert group members

SDGs as a guideline

In the expert groups, we use the SDGs as a guideline to implement the sustainability goals of our organizations, collectively as an industry, both nationally and internationally. Water Alliance’s ambition is to keep our environment livable and healthy and to limit and manage climate change. Together, we work hard to achieve the highest possible impact and inspire other countries to make improvements. The Resource Recovery Expert Group specifically focuses on the following SDGs:

Do you want to contribute to our expert group?

Do you have innovative solutions related to process and wastewater management? Have any questions or comments about this? Then get in touch with us!

Interested in our expert groups?

Heb je de ambitie om bij te dragen aan vernieuwing binnen water- en milieutechniek, actief aan de slag te gaan met de maatschappelijke thema’s, of wil je expertise delen met ander leden? Wij staan altijd open voor gedreven bedrijven om ons te komen verrijken. 

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