Our society urgently demands more affordable housing and the preservation of a well-functioning drinking water supply. Young people cannot leave their parental homes due to a lack of available housing, and the drinking water supply is under pressure because of the high per capita consumption of drinking water in the Netherlands, declining groundwater levels, and decreasing quality of sources. The effects of climate change are directly felt as a result. This is particularly evident in cities, where rising outdoor temperatures lead to uninhabitable living conditions.
“Water storage and reuse are essential to achieving climate-neutral and affordable housing.”
Expert Paper – The Benefits of Rainwater Tanks for Rainwater Storage
The expert paper outlines and substantiates why capturing rainwater is vital for managing the challenges posed by changing climate conditions. The current water system is not designed to responsibly handle the increasing heat and extreme weather events such as droughts and heavy rainfall. What is possible and how we can intelligently manage rainwater is thoroughly detailed in our expert paper, The Benefits of Rainwater Tanks for Rainwater Storage.
Legislation and regulations
The Building Decree and the Drinking Water Decree prevent the application of available technology in the Netherlands, ranging from innovative solutions to waterless urinals that have been in use for decades, in residential buildings. Water reuse has not yet been incorporated into the BREEAM, BENG, and MPG standards. The European Parliament is urging the European Commission to create legislation aimed at reducing the water footprint of citizens and industry.
Smarter management of rainwater, graywater, and wastewater is essential.
Water and drinking water have been widely available and inexpensive over the past century. The drinking water quality in the Netherlands is exceptionally high. However, as the availability of groundwater is under pressure and 900,000 new homes need to be built, the use of water in houses and buildings must change. We need to reuse water from showers and baths, and rainwater in our homes. We must utilize rainwater and graywater in and around our homes to cool and maintain green spaces. Additionally, we need to harness black water (wastewater) to produce energy, recover resources, and integrate it into the local water system.
We can—just like in Belgium—reduce water usage to less than 100 liters per person per day. By doing so, we can create not 900,000, but 1.5 million additional homes within the limits of the existing drinking water system in the Netherlands.
Objectives of the expert group
Accelerating the application of technology to reuse water in homes and utilize rainwater to reduce per capita drinking water consumption and limit energy use in and around the built environment.
- Johan Bel – Mijn Waterfabriek
- Arthur Valkieser – Hydraloop Systems
Expert group members:
- Joep Appels – microLAN B.V.
- Stefan Bergsma – DeSaH B.V.
- René Betgem – Upfall BV
- Christian Beuzel – NX Filtration
- Annette Buunen – Sweco Nederland
- Jenifer van Dijk – Water Wall
- Youri Dirne – JustNimbus
- Albert Jan Foederer – Van Remmen UV Techniek B.V.
- Tycho Geurkink – Colubris Cleantech B.V.
- Roemer Goossensen – Konkaav Innovation & Consultancy
- Rob van der Heijden – Waterimpuls B.V.
- Frank van Heusden – FEALTER B.V.
- Jan Klaver – Lutra Milieusystemen BV
- Ton Koekkoek – AkaNova
- Gert-Jan Maasdam – BlueNorth Partners
- Sybrand Metz – DeSaH
- Martijn Nitzsche – Aqua-Aero WaterSystems – AAWS
- Fernando Padmos – Cenergist B.V.
- Ger Pannekoek – Ecologisch Water Beheer B.V.
- Fred Prins – GEP Watermanagement B.V.
- Jeroen Renders – D2D Water Solutions
- Peter Scheer – Nijhuis Water Technology
- John van Schoonhoven – Bluecon
- Janette van de Scheur – FME CWM
- Rixt Sinnema – Water Alliance
- Roderick Standaart – biocompact
- Ed Standaart – biocompact
- Sabine Stuiver – Hydraloop Systems B.V.
- Arthur Valkieser – Hydraloop Systems B.V.
- Pim de Vreeze – Raintanks
- Ruben Wentink – FieldFactors
- John van de Wetering – Blue Innovations
SDGs as guidelines
Our ambition is to keep our environment livable and healthy while mitigating and managing climate change. By applying the right techniques, we can contribute to sustainability.

Would you like to contribute to our expert group?
Does your company have innovations or solutions that can help us manage our scarce water resources better? Share them with us; we are committed to driving change.

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