Brightwork Products recently upgraded the waste water treatment of the Dublin Port Authority in Ireland by adding a temporary continuous filtration and a serial GAC filter plant.
The Dublin Port Authority is carrying out the treatment and recovery of contaminated dredge material within Dublin Port as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment Project in Dublin. Within this project contaminated water is treated in a waste water treatment plant, consisting of pH correction, coagulation, flocculation and lamella settling, also supplied by Brightwork Products in 2019.
The effluent from the waste water treatment plant needs to meet very stringent criteria. Particularly the concentration of TriButylTin (TBT) is critical, requiring additional treatment, with continuous sand filtration with remote Sand-Cycle monitoring and granular activated carbon treatment.
Lab research was carried out by Brightwork in the Water Application Center in Leeuwarden, using GAC columns to simulate the adsorption capacity and breakthrough curve. The results are used to design the full-scale plant, which is now implemented and in operation. The plant will remain in operation until the site is fully recovered.