Approach to drought and drinking water conservation

Water is the source of all life, but our water resources are under pressure. The increasing drought and rising demand for drinking water require innovative solutions. Water Alliance is committed to addressing these challenges through the use of smart water technologies.

Essence of the challenge

The Netherlands is facing the growing issue of drought, especially in the south and east. At the same time, the demand for drinking water is increasing, putting more pressure on our natural resources and drinking water supply. It is essential that we use our drinking water more efficiently and effectively utilize alternative sources.

Innovative technologies

To turn the tide, Water Alliance focuses on the development and application of innovative water technologies. These technologies make it possible to use and reuse water more efficiently, thereby reducing the pressure on our drinking water supplies.

  • Circular Water Use: Technologies that enable the purification and reuse of rainwater and wastewater for non-drinking water applications such as toilet flushing, washing, and cleaning. This reduces the consumption of drinking water and contributes to the circular economy. 
  • Technology Against Drought: Innovations aimed at increasing the water retention capacity of the soil and optimizing water distribution can help counteract the effects of drought and protect biodiversity.

Policy and regulation

A crucial step in the fight against drought and for drinking water conservation is removing bureaucratic barriers. Water Alliance collaborates with policymakers to adjust regulations that support and stimulate innovation.

  • Reducing Administrative Burden: Lobbying for the relaxation of laws and regulations that hinder the implementation of new water technologies, with the goal of paving the way for innovation.
  • Incentives for Water Conservation: Advocating for policies that encourage large water consumers to invest in water-saving technologies and water reuse.

Collaboration and awareness

The key to success lies in collaboration and awareness. Water Alliance promotes dialogue between technologists, businesses, governments, and citizens to work together on sustainable solutions.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Promoting collaboration between the government and the private sector to jointly invest in water conservation and the development of sustainable water technologies.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Informing and motivating consumers and businesses about the importance of water conservation and the available technologies that can contribute to this. 

Smart solutions help us move forward

Water Alliance believes that through a focus on innovation, collaboration, and smart policy, we can collectively tackle the challenges of drought and drinking water conservation.