LG Sonic: New technology allows for 100% copper sulfate reduction in New Jersey drinking water reservoir

LG Sonic, fresh member of the Water Alliance, developed the MPC-Buoy, a floating solar-powered platform that emits specific ultrasonic parameters to target the algae present. Blue-green algae cause problemsMPC-Buoy installed in water reservoir (002) when blooming in lakes and water reservoirs, such as health issues, fish deaths, and odor problems. In order to provide an environmentally friendly solution to these problems.  In 2014, American Water, America’s largest publicly traded water and wastewater utility company, installed four systems at the Canoe Brook water treatment plant in Short Hills, New Jersey. An extensive study indicated that the ultrasonic system resulted in an improvement in the water quality, reduction of chemical consumption by more than 20%, and a payback time of 1.8 years.

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