Development of in-line inspection robot for pressure mains succesful

Acquaint B.V (Water Alliance member) and the Dutch Water Boards ‘Waterschap Aa en Maas’, ‘Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier’, ‘Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg’ and ‘Waterschap Zuiderzeeland’ worked together on the development of an in-line inspection technique for wastewater pipelines of Asbestos Cement (AC). With this new technique it is possible to conduct in-line inspections over the entire length of the pressure mains and detect the failure mechanisms. As a result the condition can be mapped accurately, which can result in cost reductions in the future.

Pilot completed

The pilot is completed and the process and its results were captured in a film (see also below). It shows that with this new technique it is possible to conduct in-line inspections over the entire length of the sewer mains. As a result their condition can be mapped accurately.

“We expect a significant cost reduction in the future”, says Peter van Dijk, board member of ‘Waterschap Aa en Maas’.

Lida Scheldwald, Executive board member Waterschap Zuiderzeeland, indicates in the film: “If you also ask yourself whether you have to replace your pressure mains, or whether they will still last for a while with proper risk-based maintenance, then start with an in-line inspection as soon as possible”.